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Claude 3



Claude 3 , Daily Current Affairs , RACE IAS :  Best IAS Coaching in Lucknow 


For the Prelims:About Claude 3,How to access these models?


Why in the  news?

   Recently, Artificial Intelligence start-up Anthropic announced its latest family of AI models called Claude 3.


About Claude 3:

  • It is a group of large language models (LLMs) developed by Anthropic. The chatbot is capable of handling text, voice messages, and documents and is capable of generating faster, contextual responses compared to its peers.
  • The family includes three state-of-the-art AI models in the ascending order of capabilities – Claude 3 Haiku, Claude 3 Sonnet, and Claude 3 Opus.
  • Among the new releases, Claude 3 Opus is the most powerful model, Claude 3 Sonnet is the middle model that is capable and price competitive, and Claude 3 Haiku is relevant for any use case that requires instant responses.

How to access these models?

  • Claude Sonnet powers the chatbot for free at present and users only need an email sign-in.
  • Opus is only available through Anthropic’s web chat interface and if a user is subscribed to the Claude Pro service on the Anthropic website.
  • All new models come with a 2,00,000-token window, signifying possibly better performance, accuracy and the capacity to input more information in a user prompt.


                                       Source: Indian Express